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Update: Photo contest winners, Ginger & the Giant Stone, donations check-in


Flurry at mural contest finale: Nearly 20% of the amount raised in the Awesomest Pet Photo mural contest happened in the last two hours. When all was said and done, $22,822 was raised to help Options help pets in need of necessary veterinary care. Thanks to all who participated!

Six pet photos – from 140 submitted – will be incorporated into a mural for Options’ waiting room. Reno artist Connor Fogal has already started working on concepts for the mural. Because of challenges from cerebral palsy, Connor paints with a brush using his head.

The photos above show the top vote-getters in the categories of cat, dog, and other small pets. Abby the calico received 3,455 votes, Kira the golden puppy 3,250 votes, and Sugar the blind rabbit 614 votes. See all those picked for the mural and the runners-up at


Ginger & the Giant Peach: A 5-year-old Irish Setter/Poodle mix named Ginger was diagnosed with a bladder stone – check out the size of that thing in the photo next to a key fob and quarter for comparison. Ow, ow, ow! Ginger was having serious trouble urinating – when she wasn’t urinating blood. Her people received a quote of over $3,000 to remove the stone, which was way beyond their budget. They were desperate to help Ginger when they learned of Options. We were able to work with them to cover the cost in two payments at a total they could afford. And best of all, Ginger is feeling so much better!

The Facebook post about Ginger's story is far and away Options' most popular ever. Since Friday, it has reached 23,199 people, with 953 reactions (such as likes and hearts), 176 shares, and more than 100 comments on Options' page and those where it was shared.


Donation update: We are so grateful to everyone who has supported our mission to provide high quality, lower cost veterinary care so that pets don’t suffer for financial reasons. As of this writing, $502,219 has been raised toward the goal of $730,000.

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Options Veterinary Care 

Options is a nonprofit clinic serving Northern Nevada that provides quality, affordable, and accessible spay/neuter services and veterinary care options for pets and community cats in order to keep pets and families together and support a humane community. We rely on donations from the community to help pets who would otherwise suffer without veterinary care.


To make an appointment, call: 775-499-3700

Email (not for appointments):

Address: 4690 Longley Ln., Suite 1, Reno, NV 89502

Appointment hours (closed major holidays): 

Normal appointment hours are as follows:

  • Monday 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. ​

  • Tuesday 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 

  • Wednesday 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 

  • Thursday 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 

  • Friday 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 


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Featured Partners: 

Lost or found pet? Petco Love Lost can help free of charge! With 10M pets lost in the U.S. annually, nothing is more important than helping lost pets return home. Petco Love Lost is a centralized resource designed to reunite lost pets with their families.

Petco Love's national vaccination initiative, #VaccinatedAndLoved, encourages everyone to get their pets vaccinated. If you cannot afford vaccines, ask about help today! Options Veterinary Care is a proud animal welfare partner with Petco Love

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Options Veterinary Care is honored to have been selected as a PetSmart Charities “Accelerator” program clinic.  The goal of this program is to help Options increase our capacity to serve our community, both pets and people who love them.

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© Options Veterinary Care, a program of Humane Network

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